“Happy Cow” Animal Ingredients to Avoid

“Happy Cow” Animal Ingredients to Avoid

Happy Cow is a website that serves as a guide to vegetarian and vegan restaurants, and natural health food stores.  Happy Cow also provides great information regarding vegetarian and vegan nutrition and recipes.

Vegans and vegetarians alike are often unaware that products they like may contain animal ingredients and/or by-products of animals such as the ones contained in the following list.  Those following vegan and vegetarian diets would want to avoid eating animal ingredients.  This list is handy to keep with you when you’re going grocery shopping. Animal ingredients are often called by their obscure technical names. So here is a list helpful list to fold up and keep in your wallet or purse.  *Ingredients listed in an asterisk are ones that sometimes come from plants or have synthetic alternatives.  We have been informed that some of the compounds listed below, while could be obtained from animal products, haven’t been obtained from animals for many years due to the fact that they are readily industrially synthesized and cheaper to get than to go through the process of obtaining them from animal products.

Happy Cow Animal Ingredients-to-Avoid       Animal Ingredient List A – Z

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